Also, the use of this property lets the scope of the transaction include the wiring on the output side of the Service Invoke primitive ( regardless of the style used to invoke the mediation flow component). 另外,使用此属性可让事务的范围包括服务调用原语的输出端上的连接(不论使用哪种样式调用中介流组件)。
Add calls to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository in the routing custom mediation primitive using the WebSphere ESB proxy interface. 使用WebSphereESB代理接口在路由自定义中介基元中添加一些对WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository的调用。
The data types of parameters for service operations are either messages or primitive types. 用于服务操作的参数的数据类型既可以是消息也可以是简单类型。
When you create a Service Invoke primitive in the flow, the tool asks you to specify the partner reference and operation that should be invoked. 当创建流内的一个ServiceInvoke原语时,此工具会要求您指定应被调用的partner引用和操作。
The Service Invoke primitive has a single input terminal and a variable number of output terminals. 服务调用原语具有单个输入末端和不定数目的输出末端。
This article covered the behaviour of the Service Invoke primitive in depth, which was introduced as part of WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.1. 本文详细介绍了服务调用原语的行为,它是作为WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBusV6.1的一部分引入的。
In effect, the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus run time enables the force synchronous property on any Service Invoke primitive within an aggregation boundary. 实际上,WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBus运行时对聚合边界中的任何服务调用原语启用强制同步属性。
The customer information system is invoked using a Service Invoke primitive called 客户信息系统是使用称为
This article, Part 2 of a three-part series, takes you through the advanced configuration considerations for the new Service Invoke mediation primitive, which allows a mediation flow to invoke a service from within a mediation flow. 本系列共分三部分,本文是其中的第2部分,将详细介绍新服务调用中介原语的高级配置注意事项,此中介原语允许中介流从中介流中调用服务。
The parameters of the service operations are required to be either service data ( DataType or MessageType) or primitive types. 无论是服务数据(DataType或者MessageType)还是原始类型都需要服务操作的参数。
The type of a service operation parameter should be either a primitive type or a DataType. 服务操作参数的类型应当或者是一个原始类型,或者是一个DataType。
In this respect, Part 2 of this series examines in more detail the usage of one of the new primitives, the service invoke primitive. 在这一方面,本系列文章的第2部分将详细讨论新原语之一&服务调用原语的用法。
The Service Invoke primitive is used to make a service request in either a request or response mediation flow. 服务调用原语用于在请求或响应中介流中提出服务请求。
Before each Service Invoke primitive, an XSLT converts the body of the message to the correct format, and immediately after the Service Invoke, a Message Element Setter stores the response within the Shared Context for later retrieval when building the aggregated response. 在转换每个服务调用原语之前,XSLT将消息正文转换为正确的格式,并在转换服务调用原语之后,MessageElementSetter立即将响应存储在共享上下文中,以便在稍后构建聚合的响应时进行检索。
However, on the thread of execution of the original instance of the mediation flow, any further mediation primitives wired on the input side of the service invoke primitive are invoked. 不过,在中介流初始实例的执行线程上,将调用在服务调用原语的输入端上连接的任何其他中介原语。
If all the retries are exceeded without an acceptable response from the service, the timeout output terminal of the service invoke mediation primitive fires. 如果所有的重试都不能从该服务收到响应,则触发该服务调用中介原语的超时输出末端。
The Service Invoke primitive has a property that, when specified, prevents the mediation flow component from using the asynchronous with callback style for the service invocation. 服务调用原语具有一个属性,在指定该属性时,可以防止中介流组件对服务调用使用带有回调的异步调用样式。
This enrichment is done within the request flow by calling out to a customer information system, implemented using a Service Invoke primitive. 此充实是通过调用客户信息系统在请求流中执行的,并且使用服务调用原语实现。
Use of the response flow within aggregation: Even with the enhanced intra-flow service invocation support provided by the Service Invoke primitive, response flows play a key role within a mediation. 在聚合中使用响应流:即使使用服务调用原语提供支持增强的流内服务调用,但响应流仍扮演中介中的关键角色。
Now that you have a description of the invocation styles provided by the underlying SCA programming model, let's look at how these styles are used by a mediation flow component when using a service invoke primitive or a Callout node to invoke a service. 现在已经描述了基础SCA程序模型提供的调用样式,让我们看一看当使用服务调用原语或Callout节点调用服务时,中介流组件如何使用这些样式的。
Therefore, two or more ( if more than one service invoke primitive was contained within the module) threads may be concurrently active for the same instance of the mediation flow component. 因此,可以为中介流组件的同一实例同时激活两个或多个(如果模块中包含多个服务调用原语)线程。
When the service sends its response, a new instance of the mediation flow continues processing from the service invoke primitive that performed the service invocation. 当服务发送其响应时,新的中介流实例继续从执行服务调用的服务调用原语进行处理。
The service invocation made by the new primitive may be synchronous or asynchronous with respect to the execution of the mediation flow. 由新原语进行的服务调用相对于中介流的执行可以是同步或异步的。
The new Service Invoke mediation primitive enables users to additionally invoke services from anywhere within a mediation flow. 新的ServiceInvoke中介原语支持用户从中介流中的任意位置调用服务。
New Service Invoke primitive 新服务调用原语
This step creates a service gateway mediation flow with a single custom mediation primitive to contain the routing logic 这个步骤创建一个服务网关中介流,使用一个自定义中介基元来包含路由逻辑
The identification of the LAN to which a frame is to be transmitted is a local matter and is not expressed as a parameter of the service primitive. 根据所接收的数据包识别LAN是本地事务,没有表示为服务原语的参数。
Generic security service primitive specified with sdl/ msc SDL/MSC描述的通用安全服务原语
Using the service primitive defined in WIM provision, the interface of data access out of WIM enabled IC card can be designed. 通过WIM规范中定义的服务原语,可以实现WIM智能卡数据访问接口;